# Webspoilt
This script will you help to find the information about the website and to help in Penetrate testing
# Discalimer
Disclaimer: - DeadShot0x7 will not responsible if you misuse the script, by using the script you're that you will be responsible for the loss you have made
# ScrenShot of the Script
# Features
1. You can find the Ip Address on the website
2. You can do DDoS Attack on the website
3. Bruteforce ( Instagram, Spotify, Twitter, Netflix, Amazon Prime video, Pinterest ) [ Coming soon ]
4. Port Scanner [Coming soon]
# Download
You can download the script on various platform
Linux :
1. Clone the Repository by using the git clone command
2. git clone Webspoilt
3. cd Webspoilt
4. pip install -r Requirments.txt or run setup. sh
5. python3 Webspoilt
Macintosh :
1. Clone the Repository by using git clone command
2. git clone Webspoilt
3. cd Webspoilt
4. pip install -r Requirments.txt or run setup.sh
5. python3 Webspoilt
Termux :
1. Clone the Repository by using git clone command
2. git clone Webspoilt
3. cd 00Webspoilt
4. pip install -r Requirments.txt or run setup.sh
5. python3 Webspoilt
# Testing
this script is tested on these operating system
1. Kali Linux
2. Parrot Linux
3. Termux ( find Instagram user is not working currently)
4. Garuda Linux
# Like and Fork
Leave a like to the Repository and feel free to fork the project 🙂
# Disscussion and Sponsor
if you have any idea or Suggestion for the tool do let's us know in the Discussion and your view will be Appreciated 🙌 , If you want to Donate money contact me on Instagram
# Are you looking for a contribution
Yes, You can contribute to this contact me for contribution to give you the role.